
Which is Best for my Business? Facebook or Instagram

by | Feb 29, 2020 | Technology | 0 comments

Social media marketing is a cost-effective tool. It helps reach target audiences, increase sales, boost brand recognition, increase website traffic, conversions and improves search engine rankings. This will be a tough decision to decide which is best for my business among Facebook or Instagram.

Two thirds of all growth in global advertising between 2017 – 2020 will come from paid search and social media advertising.

Deciding which is best for my business, advertising on Facebook or Instagram can be a difficult and sometime costly decision. Both platforms are great for advertising, and have enormous audience and great results, but still question remains the same, lets check out both platforms benefit.


Facebook and its Benefits

  • 8 billion users.
  • Originally developed to help family and friends stay in touch, but is now a powerful advertising channel for businesses.
  • All age groups are active on Facebook – most active are 25-34 year old men.
  • Older generations are more active on Facebook than Instagram.
  • Facebook is optimized for both desktop and mobile, but smart phone access far exceeds desktop.
  • There are different types of advertisement campaign available, Total of 11 adverts,  including: page likes, slideshows, lead-generation, event response,

Instagram and its Benefits

  • Younger audience than Facebook.
  • Launched 2010, bought by Facebook in 2012. 111 million users worldwide and rising rapidly.
  • The home for visual storytelling and images of food.
  • Higher brand engagement.
  • Photo ads have the best performance on Instagram whereas video for Facebook.
  • It has younger audience than Facebook – Instagram’s main audience is 18-34 year old men and woman.
  • Instagram is a mobile platform and lacks desktop performance – it was created to share experiences via mobile in real-time.
  • Less advertising options than Facebook (only 4) but the new Stories advert option is showing signs of being one of the best advertising mediums on social media.

Here’s the conclusion

It is absolutely worth it to incorporate both Facebook and Instagram into your Business Advertising Strategy as the combination will have great return.


You do need to be strategic about your advertising, here are a few tips to start:


1. Set your objectives

Set a few clear objectives each month that will show the return and tie into your overall business objectives, for example – run a campaign to promote a new set menu or drinks.


2. Social Media Advertising is an Investment

Expect a return on investment. Social media is great at driving ROI, whether it is more holistically tracked by general footfall or through digital tools, such as Google Analytics or Facebook pixel, to track conversions from social.


3. Targeting

Use the vast options in audience targeting to reach the right audience and narrow it down – it has never been as easy to get in front of your ideal customers.


4. Call – To – Actions

Social advertising (and all digital marketing) should be channeling users through to your website to learn more about your brand and convert. So, always include a calls to actions in your adverts such as view menu, see offer, book now.


5. Hashtag Research

They are the most trendy and very effective way to socialize or reach new people with the similar interest. When used properly according to your content also it should be latest and trendy; hashtags (# signs followed by content of a category related to the content that help categorize social media content) make it easier for audience to find related content. moreover, It help increase the visibility of your post/messages and boost your social shares.


6. Branding

High quality images and videos gain the most engagement – invest in quality not quantity.


7. Hire Social Media Manager

It takes time and costs money to learn the complex advertising system and various tactics yourself and you can make a lot of expensive mistakes. Using a professional will provide your business with almost immediate results!


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